Bejé Jones Wellness

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Coloring for Relaxation: Printable Coloring Sheet

What made me create the affirmation coloring page?

I'm rather new to coloring as an adult. I don't think I got enough of it as a child, but when I did get out my crayons and coloring books I sure did enjoy laying on the floor coloring. I remember it being relaxing too.

Nowadays it's popular for adults so I’ll be making up for lost time. Lol! 

It's soooo hard for me not to DO SOMETHING when I am supposed to be relaxing. Are you like that? My husband can literally DO NOTHING when he's relaxing. I heard that it’s a guy thing. I’ve heard it explained how they have a box, a place inside themselves of where they DO NOTHING and THINK NOTHING.

How is that possible?? I’d like to go visit that place sometime.

I REALLY need to work on being still. The Bible even says “Be Still and know that I am God.” Ok so as soon as I write this, I promise, I'll be still and quiet for 4 1/2 minutes. I haven't worked up to 5 min yet, pray for me.

So here’s some reasons why you might want to grab your colors whether they be crayons, gel pens, or pencils and print off my free coloring sheet :

  1. Coloring gives you the opportunity to stop in those moments and put all else aside including stress and worries. 

  2. It begins the unwinding process and helps the body and brain to relax

  3. If the coloring page has a quote, affirmation or scripture on it (like the one I created for you), it gives you the opportunity to be mulling the words of truth over in your mind while coloring (which will only contribute to a greater level of overall health)

  4. It's a much better alternative than exposure to blue light from being on computers and smartphones, which significantly reduces melatonin, the sleep hormone, and this in turn contributes to insomnia. I typically guard my time before bed and do my best to wind down (my wind down routine, if you’re curious, will be a blog for another day). 

Great benefits, aren’t they? Print your copy of my first coloring sheet and let me know what you think in the comments section.

I’ve been known to listen to the Abide app (a Bible and sleep meditation app) while coloring as a way to wind down and listen to scripture meditation before I lay my head down to sleep.

I want the Word of God to be what I go to sleep thinking about. How about you? 

A few of my many health coaching modules go more in depth on stress, self-care, sleep and even soul detox. I'd love to help guide you in these areas, so be sure and reach out to me!