As I make it a daily ritual to write in my thankful journal, I reflect back to most of my life where I gave no thought to my thinking patterns and the impact they had on my life. Even worse, I was clueless to how my thoughts became actions that eventually would affect others.

The reason I started a thankful journal (and now also have my grand-daughter writing in one) is because I wanted to re-wire those negative, critical and complaining ways that had become a "normal" part of my life.

What we focus on...happens and becomes magnified in our lives and gets really REALLY BIG.  I love the scripture that comes from Philippians 4:8 "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

One of the health components I educate people on is dealing with stress. Stress can have so many negative effects on our health and well being. A way to deal with stress is to think & capture (by journaling) those "thankful thoughts" on a daily basis. We have hundreds of problems bombarding us on every side yet WE HAVE MILLIONS OF BLESSINGS!!!

It's time to starve those negative thoughts and feed on positive, God kind of thoughts. What you feed, grows! Feed on what is true whether you currently see it or not . That's faith. Believing God's word regardless of what you are currently seeing or experiencing. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Here's a couple of ACTION STEPS to get you started.

  1. Write down 2-3 things everyday you are thankful for and review often. Try to get specific. Don't cheat by saying "I'm thankful that the sun was shining" every day this summer, lol!

Here's a few of my journal entries and YOU are a part of them!  (It's okay to skip this part if you're pressed for time, otherwise enjoy cuz you might just be in the list 😊).

  • a client sharing how they are feeling better and losing weight

  • the sight & sound of our precious grand-daughters saying with big joyful eyes "Gigi, Gigi come here, I show you somethin!"

  • good night's sleep 💤💤

  • sweet orange, yellow and red bell peppers

  • FB post that says "thank you for your tips, you are really making a difference in lives"

  • watching a squirrel play in the dirt

  • leisure morning cuddle time with my hubby ❤️

  • family liked my homemade lemonade

  • a hummingbird kissing each of the flowers🌸

  • pampered pedicures & marvelous massages

  • grand-daughter said she wanted to be a "nutritionist" like me when she grew up 😃

  • my devoted blog readers

  • precious JOY friends

  • a phone call from my sister who loves Jesus

  • no more fibromyalgia

  • beautiful daughter graduated as RN

  • two very loving, good looking & funny sons

  • running barefoot 👣 through the sand trap while my husband plays golf⛳️

  • sweet watermelon🍉

  • a visit to the farm🐮

  • raw milk

  • my adorable yorkie🐾

  • skipping with my grand-daughter

  • yummy green smoothie

  • my sweet mother-in-law looking forward to my health workshops

  • hot relaxing Epsom salt bath

  • friends telling me that they are now using coconut oil

  • pastor's that are also true friends

  • protection from a car that swerved

  • flashlight 🔦 & candles when electricity goes out

  • college kids praising God & taking care of their health

...these are just a very few of my favorite things.💕 What are a few of yours?? Please share in the comments below.


2. Swap this for that - exchange a toxic thought for a God thought or a good thought. "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  2 Corinthians 10:5

Examples on swapping toxic thoughts...

* I have every right to be mad at what they just did to me!! vs. They don't really understand what they said or did. God has forgiven me of so much & I trust he will help me to forgive them and heal my heart in the meantime. "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing"  Luke 23:34

I can't remember things! I will never be able to learn this! vs. I continue to make progress. I can do any and everything that God has called me to do!! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13

* There's no way I will ever be able to drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water! vs. I can do this one step at a time. Today I may only be drinking 16 oz. of water but tomorrow I will drink 20 oz. and I will continue to improve on a daily basis because I know how vital it is to the health of my body!

* I hate this situation that I'm in! vs. I won't always be in this situation and I'm going to choose to learn some life lessons through it and trust that God will bring something good from it. His grace will be enough to get me through. He makes a way where there seems to be no way(read Isaiah 43:19 and 2 Corinthians 12:9)


What we think, do, and say matters. It affects who we ultimately become and it affects those around us.  I hope you will be inspired to rewire your thought patterns and journal your thankfulness

Please share some things that brighten up your day. Be creative. You may have to look above the stormy clouds to see that the sun is still brightly shining above the darkness.

By the way, I think you are AMAZING & WONDERFUL!!!

Love & hugs!




"Hello" Springtime - "Bye Bye" Allergies

"Hello" Springtime - "Bye Bye" Allergies