Bejé Jones Wellness

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BODY IMAGE - Is Yours Healthy?

Body Image. I think we all struggle with it. 

Do you ever look in the mirror and say negative things about the way you look?? Do you find yourself taking 30 or 40 photos before you find one that looks good enough for social media? Yeah, me too.

What thoughts do you think about yourself? “I'm too fat!” “I'm old, flabby and look at those gray hairs!!” or “Why can't I be as beautiful or strong as _______?” (Fill in the blank)

Friends, we MUST change the self-talk. These are not healthy thoughts for us to be thinking. Think about what negative self-talk is going on inside your mind.

Are those the things that God would say about us?

Absolutely not!

Negative thoughts like these don’t come from God. We are to think His thoughts, which are good thoughts. A negative image involves being overly focused on ourselves and comparing ourselves to unrealistic ideals. 

God desires us to represent Him well in our appearance, yes, but He also wants our focus to be more on our inner self, you know, a heart that pleases Him rather than on our outward appearance to please others.

This low self-image or obsession happens a lot in our society.  It’s important to be careful that we don't get swept into making an idol of the way we look or constantly devaluing our body and telling it that it doesn’t measure up. 

Our body WANTS to work for us, it wants to be healthy, and it wants to heal.  But, if we keep tearing it down, and criticizing it, then our body will line up and go in the direction of our negative thoughts. Give your body grace knowing that it wants to work with you, but it can’t thrive if you continue to disrespect it and tear it down. 

Suggestion: Tell yourself whenever you find you're consumed with how you look, "My body doesn't determine my value." Go ahead say it again like you mean it… “My body doesn’t determine my value!!” That a way! (I’m applauding you right now. Smiling at ya too! :) 

There’s 3 groups of people. Which category are you in?

  1. Those who don’t take care of their body and end up damaging it because they don’t give it the nourishment, care, and movement it needs. 

  2. Those who are aware they need to care for their body and are learning how to live healthier. These people are walking the process out, step by step, in a balanced way. 

  3. Those who obsess over their body whether it be the way they look or being obsessive about their diet or exercise. 

We need to have a more balanced approach as in the 2nd example. I believe we should take care of and honor the body that God gave us but not be negative or obsessive about it.

Our body here on earth is important! It is the vessel that Holy Spirit resides in. What an honor that is! We NEED to be good stewards and take care of where He lives. How will we ever fulfill our God given destiny if we are sickly, diseased and die before our time? (And yes, I believe that some people unfortunately die before their appointed time and one reason is that they don’t take care of themselves.)

It’s about balance and honoring God in our daily choices.

How do you know if you’re having a negative or obsessive body image? Ask yourself “Am I more concerned with what PEOPLE think I look like rather than what GOD thinks?”

Let go of the striving to have the perfect body, most gorgeous hair, fanciest clothes and biggest eyelashes. Instead, stop each day and say "Lord, my desire is to please YOU above all. How can I honor and worship YOU in my body this day? How can I dress to please YOU and not others? What health steps would YOU like me to take in order to care for this wonderful body you have given me?”
God wants to partner with us in this life, why not start here? Think about posting those questions on your mirror so that your focus and priorities are in the right place each day.

God says that you belong to Him, that you are marvelously made, that His thoughts about you are continual and always good. Song of Songs 4:7 says, “You are altogether beautiful my darling; there is no flaw in you.” I love this!! God only sees our beauty, wow! Isn’t it wonderful and incredible that He sees us with such love?!! 

In one of my favorite devotionals “The Divine Romance” is this reading… “How you see yourself is reflected in the way you speak and in what you do or don’t do. When you sense His loving reassurance, don’t shrug it off. Jesus is speaking to your identity as you allow His words to penetrate your heart. You are brave, worthy, loved, smart, and strong. You are these things and more because the One, who created you in His image, says that you are. No one can make you believe otherwise. No one can take that away from you, unless you let them.”

Pray: Jesus, I love the way you speak to my identity and remind me who I am. I am yours, and I was made in your image. I am powerful and anointed. I am beautiful and strong. I am not afraid to try new things, and I’m not ashamed of who I am or how I look. I will carry myself in humble confidence, lean upon you, and live unafraid.

Remind yourself of these truths daily and live to honor God, not others.

Have you had struggles in this area? Share your thoughts below. Perhaps you’ve been like me in the past and not taken care of your body but now you know you need to and you are ready to take that next step. If you need some guidance in your journey, reach out to me. I’d love to help.

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