Bejé Jones Wellness

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It's OK to be Selfish!!

I know you! You’re a kind, loving human being who isn’t selfish. Most likely, since you’re so giving, you’d DISagree with my blog title “It’s OK to be Selfish"!”

Am I right? 

Hear me out…. It IS ok to be selfish!!

Here’s the thing… If you don’t take care of YOU first, then how will you be able to be all God has called you to be? You won’t. This is the kind of selfishness I’m talking about. Wink, wink. ;)

Before flying on an airplane, the attendant instructs us to put our oxygen mask on FIRST before we help others, right? If passengers disregard this instruction in case of an emergency then they will quickly become weak, disoriented and unable to help themselves or anyone else. 

I’m going to be super honest with you, if you don’t take care of yourself first, YOU are the selfish one my friend. Still love me??

I speak the truth with love and concern for you. Giving you a big virtual hug right now, s-q-u-e-e-z-e!! 
You are so valuable lovely one, you MUST take care of YOU so that the world around you can be blessed with all that God has equipped you to be. He has created you to be healthy in every way so that you bring Him glory with your life. 

THINK through this with me…

Hopefully you have people in your life who are special to you like your spouse, children, even your friends. If you don’t take purposeful steps to take care of yourself, how can you honestly say that you will be in good enough health and with a clear mind to enjoy those relationships? 

You have amazing gifts and talents and a personality that no one else has. The world awaits YOU! You are a gift to the world around you!! If you don’t take care of yourself, how will you be able to touch the lives of others in a way that only YOU can?

Also, if we choose to not take care of ourselves, someone will most likely have to take care of us, right?  That is the last thing any of us want, is to have to rely on others to care for us because we didn’t take care of ourselves. How much more can be done for the Kingdom of God if we lived the life that Christ has provided for us which is walking in health and wholeness. I’m especially talking to the body of Christ here. The Bible says we are to honor God in our body by taking care of where the Holy Spirit resides, which is in us. Don’t you know this makes God super happy when we take care something as valuable as the body He gave us?

There’s no shame or guilt if you haven’t been doing this or if you’re struggling in your health in some way. Gosh, I didn’t take care of my health for the first 50 years of my life! But, there came a point where I knew that if I didn’t get serious and make changes then someone else would be taking care of me or I would end up in an early grave.
Yes, people die before God’s time and this is one sad reason why.

It’s not too late! Take an honest look at your lifestyle choices and make a decision to start TODAY! Make one healthy change today!! What will that be? Leave a comment and let me know.
Need help knowing what change to make? Reach out to me, I would love to help guide you!

You were made for so much more than the way you are living right now. Your loved ones NEED and want you to thrive in this life just like you want them to thrive right?

Most of my life, I did what I wanted to do (or not do) and it ended up biting me in the “rear”! Is this where the term “everything in my life has gone arrears” came from, lol!!?

Because I didn’t make wise health my choices, it put a burden on those around me, cost us extra finances, and not to mention that I couldn’t do what I should have been doing because I wasn’t taking care of myself. 

This is how my life looked before I decided to be a “healthy selfish” :

·      I wouldn’t exercise if I didn’t want to because it was more enjoyable to sit and watch hours of mindless TV.

·      I would eat the Twinkies, M & M’s, Snickers bars and drink the sodas (rather than feeding myself with nourishing foods and drinking pure water).

·      I would do what everyone else was doing because it felt good to my flesh. “If it feels good, do it!”, you know the saying.

·      I would let my thoughts run amok instead of taking them captive and making them conform to what God had to say.

Oh my! Do you see where living THAT kind of life is truly the selfish thing?? I’m not perfect by ANY means. I keep tweaking and implementing healthy changes. It’s a lifelong process but it’s fun and rewarding!

I cannot tell you how blessed I am to be used by God to help turn around and extend the life of others through my health coaching services. It’s so rewarding to change lives for the better, to make a difference.

You can read a few of my client “testimonies” here.

God gives us a choice to choose between life and death, blessing and curses.  

I choose life and blessing, will you join me in this journey? Never give up!! Why not start today?

l leave you with this loving reminder from our Lord…“You are not your own, you have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus so now go and glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Come on and let’s do this my friend!! No more delays! Fill out my Free Discovery Session Form if you’re interested to find out what your next right personalized step might be.

Healthy hugs to beautiful you!!